Bees! People ask me ….. Why? Why do you have bees, Heidi? Its more than just the honey, its the life experience that goes along with having bees.
Its giving a sweet gift that is from your heart, its spending time with a friend and mentor, its exhilarating, its special, its kind of crazy, its kind of simple……. its a lot of things.
The biggest reason is the life experience. Its fun to have them in my backyard and see them “work”. They are BIG workers. I assumed they would pollinate my yard. That is not the case, they. take. off. I learned that bees can travel up to 3 miles away to pollinate. Isn’t that crazy?
Part of me does it for the fact that bees are dying
I haven’t had 1 hive live through the winter. Is it the chemicals sprayed on our crops? (I think so) I remember a quote from Einstein that stated if the bees would go extinct, our civilized nation would last 4 years. gulp.
Last year my friend Janet and I received over 60 pounds of honey. What a gift for me and what a sweet gift to share.